Storytelling is an ancient and valuable art that extends around the world, used to share history, traditions and tales of us. Transcending time and geography, it brings people together.
Food and the act of sharing a meal have much in common with this art- it brings people together and carries stories of the past into a shared future.
Love is the ribbon that can tie all this together, breaking barriers and highlighting romance. At Maquette we will be bringing the art and the act of storytelling and food to the table, to celebrate the art of food, and the art of love.
Giulio Acconci and Maggie Chiang have combined their creative talents to merge the two worlds of literature and cuisine over six dishes inspired by the tale of a very special bird on the quest for love. Every step of his journey is played out in imaginative dishes, not only through the ingredients used in every course, but also in the way they are presented. Guests will enjoy the most original and high-end menu in Macau, and their hearts and mind will be moved too. This enchanted experience is as original as it is heartfelt.
Where a love of art and fine dining meet, Maquette will be the place to create memories in 2016.
這次,Giulio Acconci 與Maggie Chiang 攜手合作,憑着無限的創意與才華,以一隻勇敢追求愛情的小鳥所激發的靈感,創出六道佳餚。小鳥旅程中每一個經歷,都會化成夢幻般的菜式,並透過食材的精挑細選及整體的美學呈現。客人可於情人節享用澳門最獨特及高貴的菜式,讓心靈思緒再一次備受感動。這迷人的經歷獨一無二,由兩位藝術愛好者衷心送上。
當藝術與美食的熱愛相遇。2016的美好時刻,由Maquette 開始。