Philosophy of Aesthetics of Gustatory Taste

Chef André Chiang – the 54th Outstanding Youth of the Republic of China. His autobiography “Andre and His Olive Tree”, published in 2013, is one of my frequently-read book of all times. His spirit of never giving up and perseverance is a model for every young chef in this culinary path. The Chef has been to Macau many times, but I never had the chance to meet him in person. At this time, while I was working on my philosophy thesis, I happened to meet Chef André. My Master of Philosophy thesis is about the Philosophy of Aesthetics of Gustatory Taste, its a way to express my passion for cooking through words. Chef André is quite philosophical, his publication in 2018 “Octaphilosophy – Restaurant André” taking into account his eight elements of gastronomy: salt, texture, memory, purity, terroir, south, artisan and uniqueness. I was thankful to have a chance to meet him in person at SiChuan Moon and given a chance to interview him about his thoughts on my thesis topic. Chef André’s viewpoint has given me a new insight, and I am grateful that these valuable ideas to be part of my expansion to make this dissertation meaningful.

主廚江振誠- 中華民國第五十四屆十大傑出青年。曾旅居新加坡於自家法式料理餐廳「Restaurant ANDRÉ」,餐廳於2016年新加坡米其林指南中評鑑為二星, 他於2013年發表的自傳書《初心》是我書櫃裏最常讀的一本書,在廚藝生涯裏,每逢遇到挫折或不知道怎樣向前行的時候,都會翻開這本書,讀完之後都會給我無比的勇氣繼續面對困難,他永不放棄、執着的精神,是最值得學習的。主廚來過澳門很多次,但始終沒有機會遇上。就在這時候正在努力寫哲學論文的期間,剛巧又遇到Chef André 過來澳門。我的哲學碩士論文研究味覺,是我想要透過文字來表達對廚藝熱情的一種方式。剛好Chef 在 2018年也寫過一本八角哲學料理的書,他是一位有哲學思維的主廚,感恩這天剛好巧遇上他本人在川江月,除了找他照相之外,我鼓起勇氣跟他說我在寫的哲學論文希望有機會可以訪問他,作為研究一部份。誰知道他一口就答應了,百忙之中抽空解答我對味覺研究的課題。Chef André 的見解讓我有新的領悟,這一刻我非常感恩,所有的「剛好」讓這一切變得有意義。

Date: 2022-01-31 14:18 pm