Presenting my story on the “TEDx Talks” stage

Thank you, TEDx senado square team, for the experience of presenting my story on stage; every team member was very dedicated to assisting the speakers with their speeches. 

This culinary journey of more than 10 years has been challenging, yet each student, customer and colleague I encountered I have met has given me the motivation to keep going.

After all these days, cooking is not merely a hobby; it’s an intrinsic part of my life.

感謝 TEDx senado square 團隊給我上台演說自己的故事,每個人都非常盡心盡力地協助演講者進行演講。這十多年的烹飪之旅充滿挑戰,然而在這個過程中,我遇到的每個學生、顧客和工作夥伴都都給了我繼續前進的動力。


Date: 2023-01-16 09:09 am